Tuesday, July 03, 2007

New apartment, gettling settled

Just finishing up day 2 of living in my new place apartment. To my amazement I managed to get the Internet installed and the A/C fixed, and even a ticket to visit my sister in Changsha delivered. This of course involved the various service people trying to speak to me in Chinese, I having no idea what they are saying and me repeatedly saying "wu bo ming bei" or "I don't understand." This would repeat for a few minutes until eventually some signing and calling the landlord usually got the job done. I even figured out the washing machine today but in China there are no dryers so I got to hang my clothes outside the window on long poles. You see this all throughout Shanghai. Some people just hang them on wires in the streets. I felt very Chinese needless to say, hanging my clothes out in the humid and polluted Shanghai air! I head into the Booz Allen office tomorrow morning and then off to see my sister in Changsha, Hunan for a few days. I am looking forward to being with someone that speaks the language, maybe I will even get three meals a day again.

Hope everyone is well. Once I get more settled hope to put up more pics and write more. New apartment pics here.

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